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Dating After Divorce: Diving Back In (Without a Floatie)

Writer's picture: Lori HammerLori Hammer

Updated: Jan 4, 2024

Family Law resolutions offer opportunities to make a fresh start and improve your life. For help with your divorce, parentage, including child support and parenting time, prenuptial or postnuptial agreements in Chicago, call Angela Larimer at 773-370-0600 or email Angela at

So, you've emerged from the choppy waters of divorce, blinking in the sunshine, sand clinging to your swimsuit (metaphorically speaking, of course). You're ready to dip your toes back into the dating pool, but let's be honest, it's not exactly the kiddie pool anymore. It's more like the Olympic diving platform, and your last plunge involved cannonballs and questionable poolside cocktails. Whether you're dipping your toes back into the dating pool or embracing a season of self-discovery, know that you're surrounded by a community who understands.

First Date Jitters: Remember those pre-teen butterflies before the school dance? Buckle up, because they're back, and this time they're wearing Spanx and carrying a mortgage payment. Deep breaths, everyone. Dating after divorce is like learning to ride a bike again – wobbly at first, but with enough practice, you'll be pedaling towards romance stat.

The Baggage Claim: We all come with baggage, it's practically a prerequisite for adulthood. But after divorce, that baggage has a "Fragile: Handle with Care" sticker plastered on it. Be upfront and honest about your experiences, but don't unload your emotional luggage on your first date. Save the tearful therapy sessions for, well, therapy.

The Ex Factor: The dreaded "E" word. Look, your ex might be a distant memory, a lingering scent of cologne on your favorite sweater, or, let's be real, the ghost haunting your dating life. It's okay to have history, but don't let it hijack your present. Talk about your ex like you talk about the weather – briefly, and only if relevant.

Kids on the Sidelines: Dating with kids is like juggling flaming chainsaws while blindfolded. It's intense, but totally doable. Introduce your little ones gradually, and remember, their comfort and safety come first. Bonus points if your date can make a killer grilled cheese or braid a mean unicorn mane.

The New You, Improved (Hopefully): Divorce can be a crucible, forging you into a stronger, more independent version of yourself. Embrace the growth, the newfound confidence, and the slightly sarcastic edge that comes with surviving marital warfare. Own your awesomeness, because someone out there is looking for exactly that.

Dating Apps: A Blessing and a Curse: Swiping right can feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, but hey, sometimes you find a diamond in the rough. Use dating apps strategically, set clear boundaries, and don't get discouraged by the inevitable dud or two. Remember, quality over quantity, always.

Second Chances and Happy Endings: Yes, fairy tales do exist after divorce. There are amazing humans out there who appreciate your resilience, your baggage (with its "Handle with Care" sticker, of course), and your slightly wonky sense of humor. Don't give up on finding love, because somewhere out there, your person is laughing at the same awkward memes you are.

You've got this. Dating after divorce might be a wild ride, but it's also an adventure filled with possibilities, laughter, and maybe even a second happily ever after. Just remember, wear your floaties (metaphorically), hold onto your sense of humor, and dive in! The water's fine (most of the time).




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